This weekend, I participated with the American Women's Club of Perth in the Relay For Life event. This is one of our club's biggest fundraiser projects of the year and sixteen women participated in the 24 hour relay. I had a great time and wanted to wait to post my both Saturday's and Sunday's pics from the event. Here I am grabbing a self-portrait under our tent and my group during the first lap as an entire team :) We raised over $6,700AUD as a group - well over our $5K goal!
Two long-time friends, that both love to capture moments in their life with a camera, are reuniting on the internet for a year long photo challenge.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Amy - 11/365 - Perth, Western Australia AUS
This weekend, I participated with the American Women's Club of Perth in the Relay For Life event. This is one of our club's biggest fundraiser projects of the year and sixteen women participated in the 24 hour relay. I had a great time and wanted to wait to post my both Saturday's and Sunday's pics from the event. Here I am grabbing a self-portrait under our tent and my group during the first lap as an entire team :) We raised over $6,700AUD as a group - well over our $5K goal!
nancy - 11/365 - Orlando, Florida

It has been a crazy, busy, frustrating, uplifting, exhausting, irritating, blessed and joyous week all rolled into one. Add being a single parent (Jeff was traveling) and it just about did me in.
This week we, the parents, alumnae and friends of John's school, have encountered/completed the following:
- dropped our children off Monday for what we thought would be a normal April school day (and also Teacher Appreciation Day)
- learned abruptly around 10 am that the Director and teachers had been fired
- immediately pulled our children out of the school (ALL of us. Every. Single. One.)
- met under the trees of Dartmouth park and cried, prayed and ultimately hatched a plan
- incorporated a new school
- secured a temporary location for our new school
- secured insurance (!!!) for the school
- enrolled all children in this school
- continued school throughout the weekend in many locations across town
- met as a parent/alumnae/friend group 3 times
- began investigating permanent locations
- obtained a Federal Identification Number
- registered with both the Department of Education and the State Department of Education
- fingerprinted and ran background checks on every single person that might come into contact with the children (including me :) )
- started the process of filing for non-profit status
- consulted with non-profit attorneys and CPA's
- set up payroll
- voted a Board of Directors
- opened a bank account
- raised $$$
- planned two fundraisers
About 10,393 other things occurred as well, but I can't remember them all.
I'm exhausted, but so very excited and grateful for this community we are so blessed to be a part of. I think I'll be feeling the emotions of this week for a very long time. It was amazing.
Friday April 30, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Amy - 10/365 - Perth, Western Australia AUS
Thursday, April 29, 2010
nancy - 10/365 - Winter Park, Florida
There are 8 sleeps until we leave for a 10 day trip and about 502 things I need to do during that time to prepare for said trip. Today I crossed off 'get John's hair cut so he looks presentable as the ring bearer in D&D's wedding'. He had a blast and enjoyed getting his hair shampooed and cut by Val. Check out the snazzy Thomas boots he has on as well. Summer boots, he calls them.
In the year since I got my iPhone I've taken 217 photos but have never downloaded a single one. I'm not sure why I never took the time to do a quick google search. Now they reside on my hard drive.
Thursday April 29, 2010
Amy - 9/365 - Perth, Western Australia AUS
It was broken on Sunday, while I was attempting to enjoy a little alone time and a shower. The girls were just around the corner, in our bedroom, when I heard a big clunk... seconds later the two pieces were carried into me and I was informed that Leila throw it off the bed! Needless to say, I was not happy :( Oh, well - so it goes...
POSTED: 5:27 p.m.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
nancy - 9/365 - Orlando, Florida
Amy - 8/365 - Perth, Western Australia

Today, I did some research to find a decent application for the iPhone that will allow me to upload pics directly to blogger. I know that there might be some days, especially when travelling to the USA in a few months, when it will be harder for me to post daily and I want to keep up with our challenge!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone (while watching American Idol in the gameroom and relaxing on the floor in front of the faux fireplace! LOL!)

Today, I did some research to find a decent application for the iPhone that will allow me to upload pics directly to blogger. I know that there might be some days, especially when travelling to the USA in a few months, when it will be harder for me to post daily and I want to keep up with our challenge!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone (while watching American Idol in the gameroom and relaxing on the floor in front of the faux fireplace! LOL!)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Nancy - 8/365 - Orlando, Florida
Amy - 7/365 - Perth, Western Australia AUS
POSTED: 9:54 p.m.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Nancy - 7/365 - Orlando, Florida

A phone call this morning absolutely broke my heart and changed John's little world as we know it. I wondered how we would all pick up the pieces. Lots of hectic meetings, phone calls and scrambling throughout the day. Hope was offered and by sunset a plan was in place. God is certainly busy with his work. I'm exhausted.
I downloaded my photos this evening to discover photos taken tonight while our sweet Jana babysat so I could attend an impromptu meeting. The photos made my day. A hint of the fabulousness by Jana:

Thank you.
Monday April 26, 2010
Amy - 6/365 - Perth, Western Australia AUS
POSTED: 7:37 a.m. (Oops! I fell asleep last night and didn't get it up here!)
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
nancy - 6/365 - Orlando, Florida

He stayed an extra few minutes to read bedtime stories to the boys even though he had a flight to catch. They love it when he reads How I Became a Pirate because he uses "pirate talk." I hope he makes his flight, though we wouldn't be disappointed to have him home another night :).
Sunday April 25, 2010
Amy - 5/365 - Perth, Western Australia AUS
Today's picture features one of my "adopted" sons from my closest friend in Perth. He is a hoot and an "old soul" that is always telling everyone what to do! We had just finished taking a bunch of pics of the group, when he decided that enough was enough and informed me, both verbally and non-verbally! I love his assertive honesty :)
POSTED: 8:23 p.m.
Sunday, 25 April 2010