What's wrong with this picture?!? There are actually two things (the head and the thumb by the baby's head), both will forever remind me of our strong-willed littlest one. It's quite ironic that we bought it while on holiday in Bali, Indonesia in memory of my dedication and many years of breastfeeding all three kids. However, the damage is equally as symbolic to the joys (*cough*) of raising children and the havoc they can cause!
It was broken on Sunday, while I was attempting to enjoy a little alone time and a shower. The girls were just around the corner, in our bedroom, when I heard a big clunk... seconds later the two pieces were carried into me and I was informed that Leila throw it off the bed! Needless to say, I was not happy :( Oh, well - so it goes...
I posted two shots of this for my March Photo Challenge:
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POSTED: 5:27 p.m.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
What a bummer. So sorry.