You know how sometimes your computer or phone just isn't working right? It's running slow, you type in numbers/letters and nothing happens, the screen freezes or goes blank or even worse you get the blue screen of death if you are so unfortunate as to have a PC.... The machine is "working" or "busy," whatever that means. It's super frustrating and the only way to fix it is to turn it off, let it sit for a few minutes, and reboot.
Well, that's sort of like the last few months here at Casa Hanniford. We returned from vacation sick. All 4 of us. The sickness lasted for FIVE weeks and included infections of ears, eyes, sinuses and upper respiratory systems. TEN oral antibiotic prescriptions and THREE eye infection prescriptions were procured as well as way too much tylenol and advil for the little ones. This was followed by busy-ness surrounding the start of school and soccer practice coupled with Jeff's travel, travel, and yet more travel and inconsistent childcare (but consistent work).
No matter how hard I tried during this time of busy-ness, I just couldn't get to my 365 project. I had loads of intentions and plans but I was just busy with everything else and overwhelmed at the thought of catching up. Simply Overwhelmed.
Gladly I'm into the rhythm of school, Jana is back, Jeff is done isn't slowing down I just have a better handle on it.
Soooooo, I've restarted this project. After ample downtime I have a new perspective on it and have deeply missed the daily documenting of my days in word and photo. So starting October 1 this machine is back up and running.