Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nancy - 5/365 - Orlando, Florida USA

I often think I won the husband lottery. Today he let me sleep in a bit, cooked a fantastic pancake breakfast, took John to Leu Gardens for a little one on one time, took us all out to lunch, helped put away laundry, played & played & played cars with John, changed some dirty diapers, and let me get out of the house with Andrea for a kid-free afternoon break.

I am grateful. So very grateful.

Saturday April 24, 2010

Amy - 4/365 - Perth, Western Australia AUS

To be fair, today had to be Logan's day, since the girls have had individual shots up :) I totally snuck this picture in, the first one I took today, so no one knew I was coming with the camera - LOL. He is watching cartoons and enjoying "Morning Tea". It seems silly to say, even though I would love a house full of boys, that I am so happy I have just one ... my boy! He knows it too and we have a beautiful relationship. He is so loving and knows how to melt my heart.

POSTED: 10:16 p.m.
Saturday, 24 April 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Nancy - 4/365 - Orlando, Florida USA

John Burbon - 3 years, 9 months

me: where are the cars going, John?

john: to publix.

me: what are they buying?

john: oh, some berries and asparagus.

I don't know what I like better - that the cars are going to Publix or that they are only hitting up the produce section. Sounds like a typical Hanniford trip to me.

The car obsession continues. He just can't seem to get enough of them. He knows makes and models better than most adults and frequently corrects me. As we walked in the grocery store today he told me, "when I'm an adult I'll drive any car I want like a mazda or a toyota."

don't grow up too fast little guy. please.

Friday April 23, 2010

Amy - 3/365 - Perth, Western Australia AUS

Mmmmmmmmmmm ... Fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies. The kids have been begging to make them and as soon as Lynsie walked in the door today after school, she made a point to remind me, again - LOL! This picture makes me smile because she is all business and cannot wait to eat that cookie! I love the peak of her school uniform dress and all that crazy hair from a full day of school. Friday afternoons are happy times and today was extra happy with cookies :)

Posted: 10:30 p.m.
Friday, 23 April 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nancy - 3/365 - Orlando, Florida USA

Owen Henry at 5 1/2 months. Loving those pre-bedtime cuddles.

I think he's super cute, just like his Daddy. I just wish he'd sleep because he's quite exhausting.

Thursday April 22, 2010

Amy - 2/365 - Perth, Western Australia AUS

Even though I am posting right before bed, I took this picture before 8 a.m. today. One of my goals during our 365 Challenge is to document memories for my children of little things that might easily be forgotten. Here is Leila with her "Nay Nay" wrapped around her shoulders - a usual site in our house. The funniest thing about this picture is that it is WET, like just get done in the washer and needs to be dried... she wouldn't let me put it in the dryer and just stood by the washer chanting, "Nay Nay! Nay Nay! Nay Nay!" until I gave it to her. It was so annoying, yet so cute :)

POSTED: 10:57 p.m.
Thursday, 22 April 2010

Nancy - 2/365 - Orlando, Florida USA

"Owie, sometimes you can drive and sometimes I can drive. It'll be fun."

This sweet comment made me smile. Isn't that what family is all about? We take turns "driving", being there for one another, leading the way. And at the heart of it all we should always have some fun.

Wednesday April 21, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Amy - 1/365 - Perth, Western Australia AUS

Lynsie - 7 1/2, Logan - 4 1/2, Leila - 23 months

I thought that I would start with a picture of my babies, since I want to see how at day 365 they have grown and changed. Lately, I feel as life is passing by too quick and I don't spend enough time appreciating their blossoming personalities :) Hopefully, documenting daily life for the next year, will help me embrace these moments and laugh-off life's little nuisances more!

Posted: 1:48 p.m.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nancy - 1/365 - Orlando, Florida

Often it's simply a matter of perspective. When the outlook seems gloomy or the day seems long, a simple shift in perspective improves everything. Today we are grateful for a kind doctor who saw Owen yesterday without an appointment and gave us a plan to heal his skin. That plan gave me perspective and gave Owen his little personality back.

Tuesday April 20, 2010


Okay, we're going to do it.... a picture, a day .... A 365 CHALLENGE.

Hopefully, we can survive it :)

I haven't even considered taking a picture for today and it's supposed to be my first day; however, I did get the blog up and running! So, at least I accomplished something. Let's see if I can get a pic up before the end of the day.

x - Amy