This year, I've made a point of spending special alone time with Logan before he is in school five days a week. It has been great for us and I think he is really thriving from the attention. We don't feel the stereo-typical "Middle Child Syndrome" will apply to him, since he is the only boy in the middle of two girls and has a lot of attention given to him because of that; however, he sometimes gets lost in the shuffle and trumped by his overbearing sisters (LOL)!
Today, I wanted to do something different and extra fun for him! So, we drove to the train station and took the train south for morning tea. He loved every part of it (especially when he got a new Lego Ben 10 toy) and has been begging to do it, again, already! Other things that we've done are making a display to hang artwork from, watercolor painting, & go to the movie theater. Plus, lots of extra cuddles :) I have a lot of other plans lined-up for the next few weeks.....