It's seems that I am frequently talking about my "goals" for this 365 Challenge and today's post is about one of them. While the kids and I are in America (before Daddy joins us), Leila's crib is coming down and Daddy's put up a big girl bed :) So, I wanted to document her room in it's "baby stage" and remember this is the last child to use the furniture.
Items to note above:
+ She got the smallest room in the rental house and the furniture barely fit
+ There are clothes all over the floor (some you cannot see) because when she wakes up, she goes into the drawers and starts pulling things out
+ The humidifier is on top of her dresser, since it's winter and she coughs a lot at night
+ Also to help with the coughing, her mattress has a pillow wedged under it to create an elevated head
+ The crib is filled with blankets - this kid loves lots of them and will go around collecting more to add to the pile before bed
+ At the ripe age of two, she thinks that she is big enough to read by herself and will buck out of my lap to be alone
+ Of course, one of the bigger kids comes in when I am trying to settle her for bed and they begin acting out the silly faces from the story in Dora's book
DATE: Thursday, June 24, 2010