Sunday, June 13, 2010

Amy - 54/365 - Perth, WA, AUS

For some reason, I was inspired to declutter the "art area" (for lack of a better term) today, while the kids colored. We have two baskets filled with school and home art projects. I feel that it is impossible to keep and/or scrapbook them all, so we have a deal: I take a picture of it and then we recycle it. Someday, when I catch up with my scrapbooking projects, I will print the pictures and put them in their school books. In the mean time, it helps to keep the growing mess under control! I posted a few of the pictures I took on Facebook in my "Fun Artwork by My Talented Kids!" folder :)

Considering this area was an embarrassment a few hours ago, I am happy with my progress for the day:
I even considering posting less pics of Leila's birthday, because it looked so bad!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so need to come up with a solution to cull all of John's artwork. It's EVERYWHERE.
